Monday, January 11, 2016

Governor Snyder Signs SB 571: WMTT Calls for Legislature to Strike Provision

Governor Snyder took his time reviewing SB 571, but in the end he placed his signature on the legislation that would

restrict public bodies from communicating with their residents 60 days before an election in which they have a question

on the ballot. In his message to the legislature, he called for the House and Senate to pass clarification legislation on this

issue. Public bodies are tasked with providing important and defined services to the residents. Open lines of

communication on ballot requests are important so residents fully understand the request. We will be actively working

with all of our West Michigan legislators to help them understand the unintended consequences of this policy change.

Legislative leaders have hinted that an alternative “fix” bill will move quickly, but the details contained within the fix are

incredibly important. It is our position that the fix to this issue involves striking that part of law entirely.

Rep. Garcia Introduces School Calendar Legislation

Next year the state of Michigan will require that students have 180 instructional days. This increase along with added in

interest in districts being able to start school prior to Labor Day has prompted Rep. Garcia to introduce House Bills 5193

and 5194. One of the bills seeks to codify the pre-Labor Day school start waiver criteria that is controlled by the

Michigan Department of Education. Right now the State Superintendent has the final approval authority of waiver

process requests. The legislation would require the State Superintendent issue the waiver if a district met one of the

outlined criteria in the bill. Also important to note, the State Superintendent will still retain the approval of waivers that

fall outside of the criteria outlined in the bill. The other bill will place the school calendar and schedule on the prohibited

subjects list for collective bargaining purposes. This means no longer will the administration have to negotiate over

school start and stop times and the calendar itself.

DPS not on Speaker Cotter’s Priority List

In an interview with the Detroit News, speaker Cotter spoke about the priorities for the Michigan House in 2016 and

interestingly enough Detroit Public Schools was not on the list. Instead the speaker keyed in on auto no-fault insurance

changes, energy policy and criminal justice reforms. These are certainly important issues, but it is telling that the leader

of the Michigan House is not eager to solve the Detroit Public Schools issue quite yet. That lack of urgency is likely why

the following day finance officials from DPS indicated they will be out of cash within four months without intervention.

This is not the first time that DPS has had cash flow problems. The issue is the continued borrowing – with state approval

– to solve short term cash flow issues. That past practice is what will cause operational debt payments to match payroll

and health benefits payments in February. This equates to $3,000 per pupil that will not be utilized for academic

programming and support services. You can read a comprehensive report on the finances of DPS put together by the

Citizens Research Council by clicking here.

Education Votes
Educator Tax DeductionEducator tax deduction expanded and made permanent!

The educator tax deduction is FINALLY permanent! Find out more about the new and improved deduction, and SHARE to spread the good news.
Racist CurriculumEducators and community join together to end racist curriculum

In Minneapolis, educators and community members won a huge victory when they successfully organized to end the use of a phonics curriculum that was filled with race, gender and cultural stereotypes.
Activist TipsTop 5 education activist tips for 2016

Think students, teachers and public schools are worth defending? Then 2016 is your year.
Top Education Stories
Top 7 education stories of 2015
From coast to coast, 2015 saw its share of highs and lows when it came to news that affected students, educators and public schools.
Action of the Week
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