Sunday, October 11, 2015

Education Votes
ESEAEducators sound off: It's time Congress gave our students a new, better ESEA

"We need to pass the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) now. My students are crushed under a system that is built to defeat students, not raise them up."

- Oregon educator Judy Harris
Ambereen Khan-BakerMD educator speaks up for unions at White House Worker Voice summit

For Ambereen Khan-Baker, the collective voice of her union is all about making positive change in her own classroom.
Hillary ClintonH.S teacher: Hillary Clinton is the best choice for students, public schools

Hillary Clinton is a strong leader with a proven record on the issues that matter to students and public education.
NC VotingVoting rights advocates score victory against North Carolina voter ID law

Voting rights advocates have their eyes set on North Carolina as the bellwether for how far states will go in erecting new barriers to voting.
Action of the Week
Our students deserve a better ESEA. Tell Congress to finish the job!

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Sonja Witkowski

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