Monday, February 8, 2016

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Is Kindergarten the New First Grade? Without a Doubt.

Increased academic focus? Check. More testing? Check. Heightened expectations? Check. The kindergarten experience has been transformed, according to a new study.

Yes! You Can Get Students To Read For Fun

The key is letting them choose what they want to read. Judy Newman, president of Scholastic Book Clubs, talks about how schools can encourage more reading, and how independent reading remains critical for student achievement.

Four-Day School Weeks Becoming More Popular

Do shorter school weeks produce savings without compromising student achievement? Depends on who you ask.

The Far-Reaching Effects of Implicit Bias

Implicit bias, which has a major impact in a student’s ability to learn and feel valued, has to be addressed with ongoing training. “You can’t do it once and expect it to stick,” says educator.

Students Are Collateral Damage in Immigration Raids

For many of America's most vulnerable students, the newest round of immigration raids by the Department of Homeland Security is not just news but the stuff of nightmares.
school custodian in silhouette

Education Support Professionals Organize For Workplace Justice

School custodians in Texas upend the order of their district by fighting back against ethical violations and abuses of power.

Make It So: Makerspaces in Schools

Making matters, says this middle school educator, who shares how he creates and uses a makerspace in his classroom.

Nominate An Outstanding Colleague for the GRAMMY Music Educator Award


Integrate African American History and Culture Into Your Curriculum With These Resources and Lesson Plans


What Should Your Students Read Next? Educators Share Their Book Recommendations


10 Free Classroom Resources For Valentine's Day

Works4Me: Ideas and Tips By Teachers, For Teachers

Challenging a Chatty Class

Ms. Ortiz's tally system will help you track bad behavior, establish clear consequences, and quickly teach a talkative class to quiet down quickly.
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