Friday, December 11, 2015


State Senate considers another attack on unions, local control and the School Aid Fund

EAST LANSING, Mich., November 10, 2015 – The state Senate is expected to take up SB 279 and 280 this week, legislation that would prohibit school districts from negotiating release time for union officers and would eliminate retirement credit for school employees who work on a release time basis.

MEA continues five-year fight to win 3 percent retirement case, get millions in wages returned to school employees

EAST LANSING, Mich., November 5, 2015 – The Michigan Education Association today filed a brief with the Michigan Court of Appeals in opposition to Public Act 75 of 2010.  PA 75 mandated school districts withhold 3 percent of each employee’s wages for retiree health care.  Immediately following passage of that legislation, the MEA and the American Federation of Teachers Michigan filed suit challenging the constitutionality of PA 75 – and have been fighting the legal battle ever since.

Low scores on first-time M-STEP come as no surprise

Long-awaited statewide scores from last spring’s Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) are low, but that really comes as no surprise since this was the first time the online test using higher standards and expectations was given.

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